Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Ed Beware!!!! Today when I opened my front door guess what
those sneaky people left me!!!!
(Drum Roll Please )

That's right they are at it again! They tiptoed quietly to my
front porch so I wouldn't hear them and left these beauties ,
at least they got the hint and changed the color of the bags.
Ed you should like the orange look for the OSU color even though
OU will win this weekend LOL. They were so sneaky even my dog
didn't hear them I guess they knew I would try to make them take it
back. I don't need these so maybe Ed you will take them off my hands
to go with your collection. So be looking for a phonebook coming to your
front porch soon.


Bobby said...
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Bobby said...

Watch out Ed!!!

Cassy Russell said...

I got TWO left on my porch, and even a follow-up automated phone survey asking, among other things, if it was placed on the "hinge side of the door" (it wasn't). Soooo, if a collection is being taken up for Ed, let me know.

Chrissy (Cooper) Whitten said...

I missed this one...hmmm..though OU won....I think it's good for everyone to have some OSU in their life...balances everything out! :)