Dana getting to the race to start cooking
those yummy hamburgers.
Ken telling us all where to go
( I know he gets a kick out of doing that LOL.)
Michael & Chrissy waiting for the race to start.

Enjoying the race with my hubby.
Running the hard trails.
My sister in-law Christin did an awesome job
taking care of us at the aid station.
Big sis trying to hold up brother Russell.
Lisa is still smiling.
Jason keeping up a good pace for a great PR.
Brian hogging the trail.
Jeff (Ken's nephew) posing for a pic.
John (Ken's nephew) giving a wave for the camera.
I think Jenni & Vicky are trying to see if they
could use their arms to fly through the course.
LeeAnne, Sandra & Myself showing off our bling
after the race.
I finally got my trail shoes dirty just for Ken.
Brian trying to see how many beer cans he
could fit in his mouth.
What a beautiful day for a trail race!
I was looking forward to running in the Lake McMurtry trail
race that was held in Stillwater. Our friend Ken (A.K.A. Trail Zombie)
hosted this race for the first time this year and I thought he did
an awesome job despite one grumbly runner (no it wasn't me).
Bobby, myself, my brother Russell & sister in-law Christin left
our home at 5:30 that morning to meet up with Sandra to caravan
to the big town of Stillwater anxious about running in this race.
When we finally arrived Ken & Brian were working furiously to
get it all going.
First Ken sent out the 50Kers at 8 a.m. followed by the 25Kers at 8:30
then finally us 12Kers took out at 9. Bobby, myself, Sandra, & LeeAnne
were among the 12Kers trying to tackle this unfamiliar territory.
I started out going just a little too fast for me and it wasn't long
that I was out of breath and had to stop and walk for a bit.
I could have kicked myself for taking my heart pill right before
I started because I think that is why I was partly out of breath.
The terrain was rough and lots of climbing up small steep hills.
I decided to take my time and enjoy this beautiful trail with lots
of walking with a little running mixed in. I was determined and
thanks to my wonderful hubby for staying back with me and
keeping me encouraged to finish. I enjoyed seeing everyone
as they passed by us. I was trying to take all the beauty in
and forgetting about all the stress that has been going on in
my life. I know you all know what I have been dealing with
lately with my mom needing to have heart surgery and my
bedfast invalid dad going to be put in a nursing home for
awhile so my mom can recover when she has the surgery
and then eventually making a big decision whether my mom
can continue to take care of my dad or not so if that is the case
then he will have to be placed in a home for good. Anyways as
I was saying about taking in all the beauty that was around me
to help forget about my troubles did the trick. I had a day without
worries and truly enjoyed myself. Thanks Ken for talking me into
doing this race.
I was welcomed by the sight of my sister in-law Christin at the
aid station. I was needing water and refueling with some yummy
snacks. I thought that it was a good setup. Christin was doing an
awesome job at making sure all of us was taken care. We finally took
off again and did another 2.5 miles before we returned back once
again to her aid station to refuel for our last leg of the race.
We set out again to do our last 2.5 miles before we finally
came across the finish line. I made it and I had alot of fun doing
the race even though I told Ken he was in trouble for talking me
into doing this hard race.
There was some poor lost soul that complained for hours on end
that they took the wrong turn because of it not being marked good
and they went several miles out of their way and that cost them from
not placing in second in their age division. For the record I would like
to say that the course was well marked and if you took the wrong turn
or got lost it was your own negligence for not paying attention.
I have one word for that person who I have never seen before
it is called what Coach Kathy always says is BONUS MILES!
So what if you came in third instead of second this was a fun
well put on trail race not a Boston qualifier! I understand to the
avid racer that it is important how you place but you can speak
your complaint but you don't have to go on about it for hours.
I know I probably offended someone but this is my blog and
I can speak my mind on it and you don't have to read it. I am sorry
that Ken had to get an earful from that person for many hours
because he did an awesome job of putting this together.
When we were done Dana was hard at work cooking some
yummy hamburgers & hotdogs for us hungry runners to eat.
She did awesome for all the hard work she did in getting that
ready for us to eat. I am thankful for what she did.
Bobby & I then helped at the finish line tearing off the race number tags
and writing everyones finishing time and handing out the neat bling
that we all got. I liked the engraved compass that was our reward
for finishing. I enjoyed cheering all the rest of the runners that came
in that was doing the 25K & 50K race.
I missed getting a picture of Rock Star Ed. I heard he did an awesome job
at another aid station for the long distance runners. Kudos to you Ed.
When everyone got done with the race Ken, Bobby, myself, Ed, Lisa,
Jason, Brian, Russell, Christin, John & Jeff cleaned up all the remnants
of the day that was now a big blur. We then decided to go eat at Mexico
Joes in our grungy running gear and dirty faces & I think the waitress
thought we stunk because she seated us all outside to eat. Brian
decided to go back to his campsite instead of going with us so we
missed him being there. We had a good time there reminiscing of
the fun filled day. We finally said our goodbyes and headed home
to a welcome shower and bed.
I am surprised I am not that stiff and sore the day after the race
but I feel pretty good and think that doing a little trail running
might become addictive ( I know Ken is smiling big about this.)
I think if I keep this up I need to come up with a nickname for
myself hmmm maybe it could be "I don't want to get my
trail shoes dirty Susan" LOL.
I did feel though the race was just not the same without
Kathy, Roman & Candice there. We did miss you all.
Maybe next time.
Awesome race report...it was good running yesterday. I'm glad we all got to be there...minus a few, but still fun!
You did great!That was sweet of Bobby to run with you. I miss the days Jason ran with me. I wish trail running could clear my head more but I am to busy tring not to fall. Praying for your situation with your parents.
Great report Susan. Thanks for stealing all my pictures. Now I don't have any to use for my post.
The only thing I would add is, I am glad you were there with me when we heard the Lake McMurtry ghost playing the bagpipes. I would have been scared by myself.
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