how I feel when it happens. Last Friday, late afternoon I was
on my way home from checking on my parents when I begin
to have that funny feeling I have right before an episode. I prayed
that I would make it home as it starts with a warmth of weakness
come over me and then followed by dizzyness and wanting to pass
out then followed by palpitations. I did manage to make it home
by the grace of God. Luckily these aren't full blown episodes
anymore thanks to the meds. When I have these episode I am down
for several days after with a bad headache, weakness, lightheaded
and nauseated. I hated that I had to miss my Saturdays run with
my two girls Christin & Cara. We call ourselves the 3 musketeers
and our nicknames are : Sonic (Christin, she is called sonic
because she can hear a biker sneeking up on us from afar.) then we
have Mo (Cara, we call her that because she keeps us motivated.)
& then there is me who is called Jelly because I love to eat my
jelly beans when I run long distance. I love running with my girls
but it isn't very often we all can make it together and last saturday
darn it was our chance of running together but I just had to be sick.
When I have these episodes it is hard for people to understand just how
it makes me feel and popping one of my meds is not going to make
me feel any better. I take the meds everyday so I will have fewer
of these episodes and less intense when they happen. There is nothing
I can do that will make me hop back up after it happens but to wait it
out for several days to almost a week sometimes until I am myself once again.
I truly appreciate everyone in my Runnersworld group who is concerned
about me and all there well wishes to me when I am down. Saturday while
everyone was out running I was on facebook and Cheryl was on there (she
is not able to run for several weeks due to her leg injury) she is so sweet
and offered to come over and bring me anything I needed while Bobby was gone.
That is what I love about our group. I bet you don't get that kindness from
any other group(no names mentioned ).
Saturday was also my daughters birthday which I can't believe she is 27
already. I was so very young when I had her at the age of 3 LOL.
My granddaughters birthday is this Wednesday which she will be 7. The
years have gone by so fast and both my girls are growing up too fast.
I did manage to go to their birthday party and also I got to meet
my new granddog, Jax for the first time. He is so adorable I wanted
to take him home. He is a yorkie and is 10 weeks old. He was a present
for my daughter and granddaughter from my son in-law.
I usually take my daughter out to dinner afterwards but since I wasn't
feeling well I had to give her a raincheck :( but I guess it is something
to look forward to.
Today is Monday and I will have to miss running with Bobby's bunch
tonight. I will probably have to not run all this week just to give my
heart time to recover. I want my heart to behave for my upcoming
OKC half marathon so I will take it easy when I need to.
Hope everyone has a blessed week and even though I won't be running
I will still be out there cheering you on. I might do a little light walking
if I am up to it.
Here are a few pics of Saturdays party.
My cute granddaughter Katie
My gorgeous daughter Alicia & granddaughter Katie
Bobby & Katie with my new granddog Jax.
Me wanting to eat Jax up because he is so cute.
P.S. Congrats to my hubby for becoming a marathon maniac!
He finally joined this weekend and is now maniac #1372
be sure and check his blog out to read about it.